Countless times have I Pictured myself and you. That we may, That we might Have our confessions.
My "friend", "blood" I watched you take Your last breath, red- Running, pouring shamelessly- Lively out your mouth.
I feel tears run down My cheeks. Why? We were never close. A barrier Always forbade connection. I always pictured us sorting Through our issues. Why and How we were what we were. How our ship in this relation sank. Why our jigsaw never fit.
Yet I cry and feel emotions. Maybe I loved you despite my Hatred. Despite being disowned And abandoned.
I have had visions of us Confessing, professing love. That I would forgive you all The way, not just half. But I have forgiven thee yet I feel like my hatred stays.
I mourn you and what This relation on our ship- Could have been. That we were Denied and unable to connect Our plugs.
I mourn you. I mourn me. I mourn you and me. Together. Die in peace my "friend", "blood" Know I never only despised- But I loved, love you. .
Go in peace for we shall meet Again. Dear "friend", Dear "blood".