O lonely house by which I stand! Chilling rain mingles with heartbroken tears. Stabbed by death's cruel mocking hand As time unfurls her once dazzling years.
Windows staring, dark empty eyes Bygone days radiated amber glow. Time rushes, and yesterday dies From yearning grasp fades years of long ago.
Tiny feet patter on worn stairs As ghosts of half forgotten tabbies play, Oblivious to the world's cares' Now mouldering in sodden beds of clay.
Sunlight once shimmered ev'ry pane Casting forth her radiant honeyed rays Where muffled drum beats winter rain Echoing forever lost yesterdays.
Rooms with rosy-hued lamplight glowed Wherein people talked and sang all banished Golden laughter rang, voices flowed In cold files of time suddenly vanished. Life'sΒ fragile vase broken. Kind words die unspoken.