John Why don't you love me? Why dont you want me? Have I ever hurt you? Am I too much? Do you like them? Why do you wanna do stuff with me? Are you moving on?
Paxton Will you always love me? Are you losing feelings? Why do you talk about others so much now? Am I too clingy? Am I too jealous? Are you lying? Why are you less honest?
To the others Did you ever like me? Why don't you ever talk to me anymore? Now that I've left am I just a memory? Do you see me or just my broken? Am I a person or a scar and a cut? Why don't you notice?
To myself Why do you do this? Why can't I eat? Why can't I feel? Why do I switch? Why do I smile when I cry inside? Why am I always pretending? Why do I love so easily? Whats wrong with me? Leave me be