Go now! Spiteful conveyer For your close counsel is false and needless Don't call to discuss your woes and infidelity Or use others to shield your sworded encounters No affirmation of friendship is ever trustworthy As swathed thy black soul is with treachery Chased away, no drove away happiness between others With bitter contempt and yet brazen still thy protest, yet they called you friend. Friend! How that was mocked For they had nothing, save one thing you could not buy, only love Yet you clouded a heart that needed help Drove it to darkness and despair Was it a fantasy of what was never yours that procured a lie Or was it simply jealousy? The man who did not desire you? Why not he simply must! The man who asked nothing only friendship Desired nothing of you nor wanted of you. Yet you destroyed what warmth he found with another Thou shalt not covet! Yet you did. Oh but he kissed her so tenderly He kissed her ! Not you He spoke of her Held her Loved her Not you It was all about you But Was never you
Stabbed in the back and many moons later discovered not by them but by anothers ill will.