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Feb 2019
You were the earth that crushed me in your roots..

You were the wind that took my breath and never gave it back..

You were the fire that burned every chance that was given..

You were the water that proved that you showed no solid stance..

The language of your love has shown an unfamiliar cadence. I have always seemed to learn to dance to the beats of your confusion. We are two sides of the same coin and part of the same void. Living our lives and playing into our (delusion).

There is light and dark to every heart. And there is a time and place where each plays its part. The lesson and the teacher, the listener and the speaker. Each has their time, each seeks to...

Rob Metz
Written by
Rob Metz  28/M/West Virginia
(28/M/West Virginia)   
   Fawn and Em MacKenzie
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