How are you? How the hell have you been?! Long time no see.. You see, everything has changed since you were last around- I don't even know where to begin.
How was it, off on your journeys? Did you learn the secrets of another realm? Have you brought anything back for me from that distant place where you can go, but I oughtn't follow?
I feel like I don't know you anymore- like I must get re-acquainted with a distant schoolmate: Your face is no longer familiar... You're so much taller than when you left yet so much smaller than I seem to recall.
You once told me of your great plans. Your secrets. Your hopes. Your ambitions. Your fears.. our fears. Our dreams and our fears. It seems I've forgotten all but a few of these precious, irreplaceable things but the ones I do remember I cling to with my life.
I may not embody what you had once hoped I would, but I believe that the skills I've gained and the pain I've suffered have given me the tools I've needed to endure this beautiful and abrasive life I've been granted and to become the person that you see before you now:
I may still be young, at only 21, but that isn't to say I haven't experienced a lifetime. I am indeed quite imperfect, but I don't think that is to say that I'm unworthy. I have made mistakes, but those mistakes are partially responsible for my perspective.
I haven't forgotten you, my oldest Friend. I welcome you back with open arms and a warm heart.
I haven't forgotten you, my oldest Friend. I truly hope that you have also not forgotten me.