dog's worn out so are we social buttrfly and social bee not our schedule, not our cup of tea but the golden boygod has now discovered the mystery of girl meets boy ...and then runs away only to dart back ..."wanna play"
new year new school...needs new we opened up the gates ... the tuxedo rex chose discretion, the pup absolute valour, followed by adoration of the...*** these little humans will play with me, a lot, kind.... whoopee!!!
we made nice with new faces some wanted to play, we be the Jones'es races some played aloof and standoffish those with aspiring social graces a few came in all bluster and huff but with first words called their own bluff then there were those comfortable in their skins, those who chatted and engaged, they were not here to win, just to meet and greet begin to know the parent of those with whom, their kids will grow those who's kids come first, those kids all running ragtag fit to burst with energy and joy hopefully they are the ones that the golden god boy chooses to team up with for this stage of the game
but when the dust settles and he makes his way we will be social with who ever cause at the end of the day we have our friends made on many such days our team is big... if some what greyer than when we started his is newer, brighter and he gets to choose win or lose.. part of the learning
as for today, all went well no major meltdowns no social hell just a family worn down and tired excepting the cat who is now inspired the anti social thing: to sing to us the "song of his people" in an earsplitting key and will only stop for a sardine...or three