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Feb 2019
I look around me and it looks like the world is melting.
Stars are breaking away from the sky and falling.
The clouds are grey and cry never ending tears, or so it seems.
The moon is rarely even whole, just a fraction of itself.
The sun even runs away from me after a little while.
The angry river's horizon swallow the day and bring yet more darkness.
Boats disappear upon those waters with nary a beacon heard.
Trees are ravaged by hurricane'd winds as they weep and wilt.
Roses and their bouquet are trampled and their thorns are all that's left behind.
Strangers walking under the street lights are just that, 'stranger' to me everyday.
What is this place?
What is this tortured existence?
I want to run away from it but I can't because,
this place is everywhere.
It's even in my dreams, my nightmares.
He never meant for the ground under my feet to always feel like it was opening up.
Or for me to keep pushing myself further and further away from a love for life.
My bed is my best friend.
My head is the only thing that exists that knows all of my secrets and feelings.
I keep a tiny light on in my bedroom so not to always be in 100% darkness.
What is this place?
I muse.
Even my muses feel my anxiety and pain.
What is this place?
Hope is my super blood moon smile and...
Smiles are hard to find on this face.
Written by
The Concrete Poet  M
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