Music that I can feel dancing up my throat— Choking on words I did not know longed for a home within me. Nausea butterflies overdosing on perverted fantasies of things that do not work. Living in my dream world, I am dreaming. A daze almost, the way our darkest desires are tossed like stitched childhood toys; Apocalypse of secrets in color, exploding with natural disaster; I am a whirl pool of water that drowns in her own silence, like an immortal vampire -reliving death over and over again as a curse for not knowing how to swim. **** them for ****; for ******* the little air I had, out.
My wonderland, frightened by balloons and their restless surrender to touch. Balloons that felt very human to me. Oh, how we will never know why we are here… Dreamers transcending time, the supernatural magicians that we all believe. How frightening that must be. Within me I do not know how to dream and I cannot see my world, My butterflies are choking, the apocalypse is death of….. And by, —-…… And Natural disasters that now understand why this high no longer feels good.