Jamie's been pranking me as far as I can remember. Today's my turn! I hid behind his door with my cleverly placed trap. A simple banana peel would do the trick. I had carefully placed it behind his door, He would simply step on it and slip, I would stand over his fallen body and laugh out loud. I smirked at my evil master plan. Now Jamie's footsteps approached, It got closer... and then the door opened, My heart raced as I awaited my moment of triumph. Jamie stepped on the peel... He landed ******* the floor. But not with his back as I had imagined, Jamie landed with his head... He let out a loud cry, He was in a pool of blood, Jamie was now silent. "Jamie"," Jamie" I cried out. Paralysed with fear and guilt. This wasn't the plan Jamie. Please wake up! Mum! Mum!! Mum!! Help!.
Pranks are fun, but they can go overboard and cause harm