Last year, september was dressed with fears angsty, was october, november, cold, with a longing to be back december showed a lively palette of colors, yet worked with january, in facing moments of truth...
last sunday started beautiful...but it turned horrible as explosions took some lives, and injured many...
yesterday, monday was a day, brimming with apprehension, but the end of the day was pink-happy, with content i met some true friends
today, tuesday, is another day to face tons of things to do and to finish ...but i am looking forward to twilight, when i recall today's events...
days and nights are a potpourri of yellows and grays...of accomplishments, and failures of expectations...fulfilling...and frustrating... we try to forget...but they are indelible they persist, they echo back, . just like, my pixie cut brownish hair...the dye, persist...pushed further down by undeniable years...manifested by the gray blending below, with the true color of my hair...