and i was the devil that danced to the song of the misfortune of: seeing the glitter in the moon,
and the moon and i were stunned: why, why o why am i left intact?
i've been given life but no peace to fathom it with...
ever consider harrowing a harvest's worth of a season by sowing nothing but salt... on the budding eager grain?
the irrelevance of a dylan... compared to a cohen: via a... cover...
to have lived is to have died a thousand's worth of the unrhythmic beat... in symphony to the equation summarized in the rubric of the word: heart...
heave my solitary Atlas: one more day worth with you and worth of you and all that becomes: the lost "missing" grey area of -
you can almost finalize yourself at the prospect of a grey-square in the vein of Beckett not being: either of those compound skives...
i have a mind and a heart like a lottery: yet for all that deserves this and any other comparison: to tenderness and no veal to a beef...
you do know, that they do not advertize work in a slaughterhouse in the job center? you do know that? i could certainly pet a cat, as i'd be able to "pet" a cow before a: chow mein; enough to fiddle with yer finite gobs in what becomes a:
you'll tire of the anonymous tirade...
i once thought of Saturday: had nothing to do with something akin to sitting it out on a claustrophilia in a living room...
the day's baggage and a non-to-send bask for a postcard's worth to appeal to the green of: somehow... anise...
mediocre mellow me... punching-bag ergonomics:
to heave this weight as the weight that lost the purpose of being: orientating...
forget whatever remains of what's to come via the collapse of the affirmative in a scuttling variation of:
chasing the shadow that gave the chase a genesis, a cul de sac exodus... and the shadow:
mighty avant-garde clues for: a lost breath...
man as assured: the pebble and humanity as the: prior to all minor stakes in reviving the gloat from dino.
the little history of man: in the omnipresent hyena's eye for the ever resonant: calculated demise of the narrator...
for the / a world to see: is no world: in prospect to be - even midning a completion with the composure of a suffix...
rigid boy, educated for nothing more than a brand of shackles, and of envy...
a testimony of what becomes: best - assured - could ever time lodge into itself: an amnesia and become a person?
hues in blue: bound by: thesaurus... azure... and... a Sunday's tip of: what isn't the collective mind for the invigorating mess of soul..
a serious literary endeavor... hues in blue: brush strokes like accents and...
it's hardly an algebra, or some mathematical abstract...
f(Σ) = ι
consciousness: via the function of the sum: man, sum: of man... "off" man...
f(Σ) = ι...
which is a contradiction... sensationalist journalism would agree: the function of the sum of man = the isolated man: iota... but it doesn't...
shackled buckling of a man versed in science: having no profound scratch at the humanities...
sooner come death sooner i will arrive at a clarification of: not having to orientate myself with a "self"-worth of introspect in an en masse with no retrospect.