I can feel your heart And I can feel your Pain and I can feel Your sorrow that Is coming through
But I can also feel Your joy and your Light and your Strength bubbling Underneath the Surface of your Heart and soul
I can feel your Inner heart and I know there is A light you don't Quite see yet but Is waiting to unleash Its beauty and light All the same inside
All you have to Do is unlock the Key inside of yourself And you will begin to See slowly but surely You are much stronger And much more Beautiful and whole Than you could ever Imagine possible
This is for all of the People of the world That are trying to Find their light and Their heart at the end Of the day when it Seems like your world Has fallen apart and
When it seems like The darkness just Keeps creeping in And when it feels Like things just Keep getting more Out of hand know
There is that inner Light and strength And peace that can Come from looking In your inner heart And seeing the beauty That lies inside of you