Mark the 'withered' wordsΒ Β of St.Mark Hark! The 'tethered' verse had gathered many smothered seeds to grow Unbothered bards to strow The words undithered before swords Of proud religious crowds Whose life is bound by books of frigid commands. The Sun is for all man kind Spreading love light to all kinds. Not for 'we' men alone And not for 'woe' man forlorn. Its for all unkind and kind alike. Sun of man is a book Of compassions with unbound leaves of love Demands no learning to read and recite Rewrite and reverberate It's a book that reads and recites itself Flows the elixir of life It waters the withered, Tethered, thirsty Creating beauty Removing dirt and disorder The Sun of man Returns for duty, In uniform every morning.