There are two actions of men: THE FIRST ACTION. If the man meets with his girlfriend who falls in love with her: He is so polite; He hears EVERYTHING what she says: it doesn't matter stupid or wisdom; He tells beautiful words ; He is a bit shy; He is ready to buy everything; He just tells his achievements; He just tells his success He just tells his good personal character. He is INCREDIBLE kind. Because She is Beautiful!!!!!! THE SECOND ACTION. If that man meet with girlfriend who doesn't respect: You are nobody!!! He doesn't hear even your breathe He just tells about his problems He just tells negative words. He just tells his bad personal characteristics He doesn't change his voice or voice tone. You buy even coffee yourself. He doesn't open the door. He doesn't care how do you go to home He is selfish! He doesn't phone you. He doesn't chat with you. You always start to do it. He asks to help He asks to solve the problem He doesn't care: You are hungry or sick He doesn't see even How do you change your style How do you change your hairstyle How do you buy beautiful clothes You work hard and earn much money The reason is: Just to be beautiful! He doesn't notice it. YOU are THE Shadow ! You are Nobody ! You are the WALL! He never thinks about you. Cause, You are a pity girl. Unfortunately, You don't control your heart You know what is love After these ACTIONS or RELATIONSHIPS: Your heart is getting to be STONE!!! Your tears are getting to be ICE!!! You promise yourself : Never believe and admit that love is Happiness; LOVE IS NOTHING for you. LOVE IS THE IRON for you. That's why, Let's Think !!!!!!!!!!