As if I am the famous Manti Te'o I don't need to see your true face Loving you! Though you, I don't know
Just tell me were to go My heart will meet you in cyberspace As if I am the famous Manti Te'o
Your true face, no need to show It's the thought of love that I chase Loving you! Though you, I don't know
You might be a catfish to my woe But your texts are full of love and grace As if I am the famous Manti Te'o
Let your secret emails flow You might be from some other place Loving you! Though you, I don't know
Love is blind, when you don't show Today, weird cyber love is commonplace As if I am the famous Manti Te'o Loving you! Though you, I don't know
This was my first Villanelle. It is the form of Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle . . ." I love that poem. This is a silly topic I've been dying to write about. My next villanelle will be serious. Try this form. It is fun.