In the beginning there was truth, unhindered and un-splintered obvious and obviously good, remember? then entered a serpent who'd had his ego injured he spoke words more smoothe and sly than eve's ears had ever heard
Speak Truth!
Since then the disharmony is harmin me dissonance is dissin me in totality breakin me apart my heart is split into two - count em two- duality ******* the vitality right outta me leaving me wounded and without a dynamic melody to sing in metaphysical reality
It's not just a fable see- they're trying to change me, chain me trying to tame me, train me
I AM BEING DOMESTICATED. I am being transformed from the true but hated into the shallow form of the antiquated into little mix and match mutt, play nice, look better than ever, half true whole lie source of more than a little disturbing shoe leather