I can't feel anything. Terrible things are happening but I can't feel anything.
No pain, no sadness, no happiness.
I'm just there staring blankly. Feeling my numbness.
I'm smiling but it's just a ****** movement. No emotion, just a blank smile.
No tears came out from my eyes. I don't know.
I need to find a way to get rid of this numbness. I looked around and found a sharp blade. I slowly looked at my wrist and said, 'Maybe this is the way.' I slitted my wrist, cutting in my skin, my flesh, my veins.
In a split seconds a gush of fresh blood came out from my wrist. A stream of tears fall from my eyes. 'I succeed, i'm not numb anymore.' I said to myself. Slowly I close my eyes, and darkness enveloped me. 'I'm gonna rest now.' I said then gasp my last breath.
trigger warning. i don't advice you guys to do the thing that is written in this poem. i didn't do it. i just wrote it to release my urge of doing it. xo
is being numb safe? or does it drive you insane? you need to choose, numbness or pain?