In And never more, than A light in the eaves, for a meager silence... All and all, an about face, with a story worth plain...
Truth and meaning, of fearful days? Never more, than a care is whether, odder... Or the saving grace we ought, for a life in a fate So named and faired to deem, another older, our?
Days have come to it's end...? Future finish of a sameness without few Still the response of a shared history, a heart to lend Paces of curiosity with the voice of a world too soon?
Mind and make, the meager choice of ages Of weal and bruised ego's, the thought for simplicity A new care in the justice, we plan for liberty's wages So, few to a rational kind? when you have the sense of well being
A father with knowing to share, and final authority...? Ably the dote of a yearned for goodness, sincerity That has the quote of a lifetime, in their sake, deplorability Is a fury with its own ends, named the chaste, a patience's integrity?