I paused not because I was lost events have moved like a cinema- screen pictures upon pictures have been tossed all across before the blink of the sharpest eye nor the smartest mind could digest or think
whatever that's along the road would never make me sink nor bring me to the brink of despair-- somehow I would be able to find (despite my unbearable thirst) water to drink from some remote spring
defeat--call it quits never does enter my thinking it calls for raw unflinching courage to be a human being^
man at the last as was at beginning never a paltry thing#
my pausing is my renewing a new breath I'm taking my just-resting a while-- waiting for my resurrecting
a personal drama at the crossroad^ a performing with none watching the moment of truth^ in the budding
the hard ground my bed-- with no pillow nor blanket but the stars^ are patient and kind their gentle light they shed and these words they seem to have said: do not lose heart^ for you will find your heart-land ahead only that you must have faith...^
* after TS Eliot # vide: Hemingway's OLD MAN AND THE SEA which won him the Nobel ^ vide T.E.Lawrence's SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM