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Frances Taylor
Dec 2018
Generation Why?
We’re in an epidemic
Our generation is sick
There isn’t a magic medicine
And there isn’t a quick fix
You cannot see this illness
It is cruel and it hides
It is not just the body it effects
But it lives within our minds
Maybe you think I'm being dramatic,
Attention-seeking or a drone
But there’s reason behind its nickname
The Silent Killer - it is known
The black dog, The darkness,
Call it what you will,
For all intents and purposes
Depression fits the bill
Depression leaves you powerless,
It ***** your life away.
“You’re no good, you can’t do this”
That’s what it’s voice will say.
Can you imagine what it feels like,
To not be in control of your own mind,
To give in to an illness,
And leave the old you behind
Somedays you can’t get out of bed,
Somedays you can’t face eating,
Somedays you feel nothing at all,
Happiness feels like cheating.
Guilty, Embarrassing, Stupid,
A burden to everyone else.
So we live with this illness in secret,
We live with poor mental health.
But 1 in 4 will feel this way,
At some point in our lives.
So why do we remain silent?
Afraid to talk but why?
And why is it so common?
This I cannot understand
Especially in our young generation
It’s getting out of hand
We’re developing so quickly,
Our minds cannot keep up
This millennial mindset
Is what is causing this rut
We strive so much for something
But what are we striving for?
A 9-5 job? Money to pay bills?
Always wanting more.
Our young lives lack meaning
We grew up with wanderlust
We’ve built so many expectations
This world cannot do them just
A self fulfilling prophecy
Goals that can’t be done
No wonder we feel like failures
Before we’ve even begun
It is easy to forget
That us humans have needs too
It is health that is the real wealth
Gold and silver will not do
So I end this note by saying
Though I know it’s hard to hear
You are good enough, you can do this
You’re not alone, that’s clear
100 billion neurons
That’s what the brain contains
But your mind is infinite
Each one is not the same
If Depression is a cloud
then your mind is the sky
It does not define you
It will pass you by.
Written by
Frances Taylor
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