tis time said the elf in my ear tis my time of year unpack the baubles the lights, tinsel and gear the merryest of merry times is near
said I to the elf get back on tne shelf nay get back in that box good gosh and begorrah calm down your striped socks it is five in the a.m. December the 1st
said the elf, in my ear I know the time I let you sleep a whole four hours and 59 nine minutes over the strike of my first happy day
so now get your great *** into gear this is the only time I see the otherside of the box after months locked down so get it together mother dear
hang the lights and let them twinkle place the tree and smell the pine needles and the faint odour of cat ******? watch them as they shed hang the baubles that sit differently to how they looked in your head throw tinsel at that sucker till it glows and shimmers knowing that stuff gets every where even into the cats stomach and bed
bring on the cheer ,bring on the glee bring out the angels, the santas, and me
start buying presents and wrapping them furtively have the discussions about what to buy for those less near buy the cheap and nasty, or the credit card dear buy the simple or make the stuff or simply divert payments to next year as if we mostly don't have more than enough
remember those gone and those left behind keep them close to heart and to mind think of those with out resource or recourse make some adjustments in order to be kind and give away joy to some you don't know could well become their reason to stay ...not go
come on said the elf it is time we began got to get ready, spread a little love accross your patch of this land, don't be a grinch, a scrooge or sadsack, you gotta have the big jolly-mans back
and while we are here conversing and such remember the reason for all this fuss, doesn't matter, the religon, the caste or the creed.. as this time approaches take moments to reflect upon this years closing and hope with joy and no fear for love to conquer all in the future year
said I to the elf yammering away in my ear well said young chap time to get on my good cheer
So this is a bit of rambling sillness for the holiday season, whatever your belief, what ever your fears, take time to look around and share some hope and love and hopefully you will reap the same.. love and hope...