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Nov 2018
Some may shed streaming flower of rivers upon venturing uncharted places;
but Not I.

Some may laugh at the face of the unknown, and bravely face it head on, smiling all the while;
but Not I.

Some would break their bones, grind their teeth, and shatter their minds through the spectrum for that condescending god-like existence.
But Not I.

Some would dream basked in sunlight, living their lives freely and without plight; Not I.


The one who merely passes through, pretending to be anything and everything. Living aimlessly and uncaring.
That, is my truth.
I wrote this a while back. and I'm posting it only now because it's 5:58 and I just finished coding, and I can't think of a new piece because I'm so **** tired. yet I wanted to post something so here it is.
Written by
P  20/M/Philippines
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