I wish I could erase the moments before this I wish I could be born again My mind no longer tainted My bare feet upon the dirt covered wooden floor As I gaze out into the thick warm jungle The fog of morning hangs
I would dream perfectly as they Nightmares would entail Yellow jungle cat eyes watching from the shadow Dreams of a beautiful girl bathing in the river
We are God's do you know this? We all came from the same river All of us float in the same pool of algae Instinct Some push away while others attract Until we all become one The eternal circle At death the great being Stands His left foot in a vast green sea Great and wonderful creatures Swim in it's depths They seem to sing as they swim His right foot rests upon a great desert Pyramids and obelisks rise up from the hot planes Snakes with scales shining as a rainbow living streams of diamonds That dance across the dunes
Out of his mouth flows a great river Time flows from it Eternally onward it flows after me As it has flowed for the eternity before me
The great being speaks to me in a voice like thunder It's words move my bones I put my finger into the cool water I know the place of my consciousness Among the raging seas Time I will be born again At the moment of my death The leaf-the bird-the cicada all beings singing the endless song of life
We are a way for the universe to know itself Mr. Sagan