Blue Why do we taint such a beautiful color with our sinful emotions? Sadness, overwhelming feelings of despair all of which this color has to bear "The most human color" Why? Humans are creatures of red The harsh words of anger or fiery fits of passion It would be more fitting to **** such a brutal color to this fate Blue is nothing more than an innocent child, caught in the clashing crosshairs of the human mind As we desparately try to identify Associate Define ourselves How can you describe you? Why blue? What of black? The emptiness fits. The dark scribbles in circles of rage that could go on for days It would be a perfect human color Then again black isn't really a color But lackthereof Sort of like the true definition of us Void of anything concrete, eluding us to yet more questions No answer So I guess blue it is, for the simple reason of just because Blue lips Blue veins The colors of our planet from far far away