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Dec 2012
the one who is gone
is finally at peace
beyond retribution and vengeance
it is we the living
who must carry that burden

baying for blood is not enough
building a memorial is not enough
emptier still are sorrowful words
this, now, is the time to get tough
time to show we’re made of sterner stuff

to what depth has my nation fallen
this indeed is our season of shame
but let us not dwell on what is lost
let us look at what we can raise up
let us make this change work

for you and me and for those to come
build a new nation from ground up
start now! before it is further delayed!
no more injustice must we tolerate
no more can we let ourselves stagnate

we fight in her memory
that is true
but it is a fight for all of us
from every nook and corner raise your voice
herald the revolution that must come!

-Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright Β© Vijayalakshmi Harish
For Ragini & for India!!!
Vijayalakshmi Harish
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