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Nov 2018
All my walls were down
But now they are back up
I gave you my love
and I thought it was enough
but I guess you believed in the lies
Now I’m just as good as a bag of flies
Worthless to those whom know nothing about me
Worthless to thought whom know me
You broke me
Are you proud
I wanted to drown
I wanted to be six feet in the ground
But I need to be there for my family
And for my true friends that are left
I ******* cared about you
But know I just can take it anymore
I can’t be in the same room as you
I can’t look at you
I want to go and cry
And wish that I wasn’t alive
ever since Thursday I’ve been crying
And I just want the pain to stop
yes I’m the one who turn the note in
And I don’t care if your mad
I just don’t want you to do anything stupid
Because yes I ******* still care
Even if I shouldn’t
when we were younger you protected me
Now its my turn for you.
i need to get this out of my head
Written by
alex  18/FTM
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