Take me as I am Or take nothing at all I’ve been conditioned by my environment To fight, to run, or just take the fall.
Prisms of light encompass the sin Rays of light that burn my flesh, in agony Yet here, I stand, daring the worst to happen Causing temporary blindness, now I can see.
You seem unapproachable when you so desire Cuts my flesh with stabbing knives, severing my esteem But that’s okay, I’ve been through much worse I’ll take another ******* one for the team.
Wish you could truly understand, I’m real Every disguise is transparent to you But I realize that you have been severely wounded And for me, the truth I know will come true.
Now the question is… will you risk it? Or is there too much of your heart at stake? No reason to continue to lurk beneath the shadows I think that if I leave my guard down, my heart will be crushed and break.
You are beautiful to me Even if you don’t believe it I wouldn’t hurt you.. Even if I wanted to Not that you would believe me.
Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read