Sometimes it’s hard to put into words Or fully figure out exactly what to write about: Today I want to write about something I’ve never felt Something I most likely will never feel Something I probably will never become... I have never been pregnant I most likely will never become pregnant I probably will never become a mother I have never felt you kick in my belly I will never feel the anxiousness of being pregnant I will never be able to hold you, love you or care for you But I feel like I have already... Is that weird to think or believe? Am I strange for even writing or thinking about it? What if at some point I was pregnant but never knew it? Even though I never will know that feeling Or experience that feeling of you growing inside of me and loving you the first time our eyes meet I am writing this to you.... My never for seen child... I would love you Care for you Explore with you Even if you never have existed I carry you with me always I hope you are with me too I would have been a great mother, and you would have had an amazing father... Maybe one day in heaven We’ll get our wish of being parents But for now, I love with this depression of never knowing you... Love always, A mother who will never be...