Confused That is what I am About everything That has to do with you
Because I know You will never want me Because I'm not your type Nor am I a typical girl
But even so I have to say this Because if I don't I'll end up telling you everything
Your smile is like a cold It's contagious if you get too close But unlike a cold It draws you in
Your voice is like the sun It fills me with warmth But the minute it's gone I become cold again
You hugged me one time And it was like nothing before Every bad feeling just flew out the door That's when I knew I loved you But I cant say a thing
So I will observe you in painful silence And cherish every word Every gesture Every glance Every feeling Hoping one day It won't just be me Feeling this way But I know that's just a stupid fantasy
So every night And every morning I'll stay in silence And put on a mask of false hope And cover my mouth with restraining lies Until one day I falter
Until that day I will lay awake Every night Thinking of you Because you occupy my every thought And keep me awake with thoughts of being called yours And Every morning I'll wake up tired But with hope that Maybe I'll see you today Maybe Just maybe