The dirt cried out Until it started to whimper My God, my God When is your promise coming? You cursed my face saying I should give birth to thorns These were great labor pains and blood as well From the hands of man plucking the birth From my body. You sent the waters that I thought would cleanse But after the waters came more thorns So I guess nothing changed. You sent the fire and I wished it would change mankind But after the fire came the fingers of man who kept cursing As well as being cursed. I gave birth to thorns God you breathed into me and man stood up. Man came out of me But can dry bones rise again? Man would have to come out of me a second time Crawl back into the womb of dirt and soil And rise up out. That would have to be someone special The government would be on his shoulders Because he would have to use his hands to climb out of the dirt. It hurt when I gave birth to thorns Just imagine the labor pains giving rebirth to the Son of Man.