DIGESTION When the temperature is raised Particles gain kinetic energy And collide at a greater frequency. The more particles that collide The chances of a reaction occurring increases. How many times have elbows rubbed In hallways, no matter how crowded Yet nothing happens, Nothing precipitates, Not even a cough Or a wandering shot From the corner of their eyes. People pass By or away And yet hallways are still full; Full of thoughts of other people Full of longing Full of the people who are missing.
USE OF ELECTROLYTE The addition of an electrolyte Reduces the coulombic repulsion Produced by a solution’s ionic atmosphere; An electrolyte allows ions to interact more freely. A full bus is void of tension. A stranger who writes letters everyday, But crumples the paper before finishing Is completed by the person Who eagerly awaits a text on their phone. A person with a bouquet of flowers Catches the eye of someone lost in thought. So many people who compliment one another, Or an other, Sit idly on a moving bus Separated only by people Who, too, are separated from their second piece. You meet such people everyday Who could have been, Yet are not.
CO-PRECIPITATION Something that is generally avoided. An impurity that co-precipitates with the product Can cause an overestimation of analyte. Impurities can be caught within The crystal lattice structure of the compound Or trapped inside a growing crystal. It may be hard to understand Such thoughts still seem foreign But I, too, have things that I remember dearly. They are wrapped up with Lists of groceries, and formulas About distance and its relation to Speed and its change over time. It is all just things that have Come to pass. Such memories are hard to keep When there is only one who articulates them, But I am sure Perhaps years from now You’ll catch yourself thinking For a split second And then go about your day.
PEPTIZATION The breaking up of precipitate Due the loss of electrolyte Which strengthens the ionic atmosphere Around the analyte. In line at a bus stop A glimpse is caught Of the oncoming bus And people shuffle As the line moves up. Never again Can the same people Line up the same way For the same bus We are too fragile To construct ourselves in such a way Where we can meet again. Fate is too frail Someone must leave Leaves must fall But someone always stays.