I may be old and gray but my words still have much to say.
words can hurt you if you let them but they can also be your friend if you need them to be and oh how they can bend if you bade them to.
My words have carried love hate and anger and they have showed regret if they have been used to hurt someone.
sometimes ones words can be mightier than the sword and can cut even deeper.
No matter how many times my head has been bowed and bloodied by hurtful words I now chose only to speak words of love and hope because my love and I are currently apart for a short time and our words are all have and our love will just grow stronger if we choose the right ones.
Our love is so new and at the same time so strong we must choose our words very carefully and use the right ones.
because we are temporaraly apart words are our lifeline and we cannot let our pasts influence how we hear those words or let our words get in the way of our feelings for each other as there is no good or bad but only time and circunstance if we are going to finish this dance.
We must speak only words that are our friends and make us happy and words that give us hope and do not speak of yesterday or tomorrow but speak only of today and that is no joke. Jon York 2012