When we first met I never have I thought of you throwing you life out of the line Until we became friends, never in my thoughtsΒ have I thought you'd do such thing to yourself
Those time spend together full of smiles and laughs I realized that, it was all nothing but a mask for you to hid
How did you do that, pretending to be fine when you knew everything was nothing but sadness Why didn't you tell me when you were drowning on your own thoughts everyday Why didn't I noticed everything happening to you when you were alive
I ask myself the same question everyday When I walk, before I sleep, most especially when I looked in the mirror As I ask myself, blaming myself for not being there when you were hurting
I am your friend- I was your friend
Oh how I wish for you to see the sun rise once again But there's nothing I can do, I am no god, I can never bring you back to life I'm just a friend who never saw the scars on your soul
I regreted believing you when you said "Some dust got my eyes" one Tuesday night when you cried on the corner
I was a fool believing you when you said " I'm just feeling cold" wearing a thick sweater one summer morning
I was blind believing you were truly happy when your smile never reached your eyes when we laughed our jokes out
I thought I knew "too much" of you, but in reality I was oblivious of the "true" you, of the "whole" you. How stupid of me, right?
You're like a universe: so silent, so beautiful, yet still unknown to most, until your last breath.