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Oct 2018
They watch him like a Broad-wing Hawk
In all his comes and goes
He invades their every thought
Bugs them to the bone

He delights in the slip and slide
Like a greased pig in their grasp
Thinking they've got him this time
But they had best not think so fast

They scandalize the scandals
Beat their chests and drums
Walking on a thin line
Hoping to nip him in the bud

He has them on a short leash
They bark at his command
All big dogs is what they think
Tails wagging on the right and left

Every now and then he tosses them
One or two Chicken Little bones
Where they run and scream the sky is falling
It's not like we were not warned

As he sits behind his desk
Plotting his next move
Donald Trump and the Media
....ain't that the truth
I'm not throwing my hat into any ring...just an observation.
Mike Hauser
Written by
Mike Hauser  Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)   
     sunprincess and ---
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