I gave myself a pep talk. I decided to put aside the emotions and feelings. I decided to look at it factually. Then it became clear.
That I'm your friend and it's my job to be there for you. That being there means understanding you and your life. Understanding that you won't always be available. That it means being there regardless of what's happening in your life, in my head or in my life.
That being your friend means respecting your choices even when I don't agree with them. That it means respecting your relationships. That respecting you means telling you when you're making a mistake and not judging you for your mistakes.
That being your friend means knowing you. Knowing who you are, what you are, what you want and what you don't want. It means knowing what you need and helping you get it. With a pure heart.
That being your friend means cutting out expectations. Not expecting it back the way I gave it. Letting you give it how you know and appreciating it.
That doesn't mean I don't have feelings. It means I choose not to let them run our friendship. It means I look at it rationally. That doesn't mean I won't express my feelings. I will.