My life is not worth more than yours. Your life is not worth more than mine. We are both Human. We are both Deserving. We are both worth more than hatred.
How can we fight together when we are separated? Our differences should bring us together, not act as our downfall.
I was never one to be much into politics. Boy, has that changed. I now will do my homework, cast my vote, and use my voice to Truly "make America great again" If only in the way that I think it can actually be great.
Where human decency matters more than white pride. Where being respectful matters more than being overpowering. Where being educated matters more than always being right.
My life is not worth throwing away. Your life is not worth giving up. We are both able to use our voices, to be heard, and maybe, just maybe, Impact the country, if not the world, For the better.
I'm learning a lot more about the world than ever before, and I don't like it. I'm ready to change it. Are you?