i am higher than the sun a million miles above the one who controls the sky i am a record keeper a handler of snakes and retribution is my middle name i am palmistry i am sandalwood i am a refuge and a grave i am a paperweight i am a slave
i see the dream space opening and closing its talking to me she makes faces at the fading light of the stars do we trust our visions or are we prisoners of reason the faceless, the voiceless wanderers drifting in underwater color schemes concupiscent dreams the netherworlds beckon to us we can't help but heed their liquid calling i am boiling in my bathtub joining hands and hearts we rub away the stars from our bodies and come clean to ******* whistling the meandering echoes of our fantasies in lands of allegory and unstained wisdom remnants of our ancestors dancing their embodiment with slews of musical instruments and brews of medicine and healing herbs we are finding the magic in our icons again like diamonds drifting between realities the coming satisfaction is becoming less and less attractive so you suggest we take a deep breath and get back to making love