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Oct 2018
The lie you told has tortured my soul, now your the one who feels in control.
I see that vicious Narcissistic grin,
Oh how I wish you could see your ugly sin.

Your actions so harsh all because you can’t deal with your past.  
That wicked monster that lay dormant for years, is continuing to laugh at my innocent tears.

So years have now gone by, I’ve learnt to live with your lies.  
Torn apart from what should be mine, you claim to love, nothing good comes from your heart.

You will now have to deal with that lie, laying on your inevitable death bed, I shall not cry.  
Go tell the universe what you have done, it will whisper back, you are wrong.

So was that lie worth it in the end, no I bet it drove you round the bend, you poor wicked women,
In my eyes now you have been forgiven.

By Rachel Goddard
Rachel Goddard
Written by
Rachel Goddard  48/F
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