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Dec 2012
Eleven days until Christmas
And twenty angels got their wings
Their families won't celebrate
All the joy that Christmas brings

Up in heaven, dear St. Peter
Met the twenty at the gates
He said "Welcome children I give you love...
though I'm sure it's not your date"

He checked the records for their names
And said "I'm sure that something's wrong"
"You all are here too early...
This is not when you belong"

An herald angel came on down
And told St. Peter, it was true
they were victims of a devil
Who did the evil that men do

One child, ventured forward
And she asked "what of us now"
St. Peter said "you'll help God"
"and I will show you how"

"The world will mourn your passing
You'll stay forever in the hearts
Of your friends and of your parents
And that's just for a start"

"You will stay forever here as angels"
"You will help with many things"
Eleven days until Christmas
And Twenty Angels got their wings.
Dedicated to the twenty public school children shot and killed in Newtown, Connecticut, USA earlier today (December 14), at Sandy Hook Public School. Princesses and Princes of New England....RIP
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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