I cry out to you with a stranger's tongue broken words are my my voice give ear to my supplication your heart to mine is a duplication this is my void and replication I wish I had the eyes to see myself in you but this is who you are to me you are an entitlement of love greatness is your name compassion and honour your traits your flaws not golden perfection and beauty your surname your eyes smile peace behind your glance is another universe filled with all types of species its diverse a place filled with the drops of the night where love is the only language spoken and everything is made right beneath your beautiful is a plain a plain that blossom with flowers that bees **** of its sweet nectar and spread the pollen keep this place ever sweeter your scent is the aroma that fills the air your voice is the song the birds sing at the break of dawn your tears are rain water that keeps the rivers ever wet this place is a mystery uncovered yet this small paradise is your heart a perfect place