A new phone does not need to mean the latest model. After the last firmware update meant to throttle your speed. I still have a Samsung Galaxy S7, and no, not the ones that explode. Those were the Note. Mine is fine and every single day five PM sharp, another update readies itself to start and download. But I say, "No." And push it off another twenty-four. It's become my own version of an alarm. A reminder that putting off what you don't want to do is fine, too. Fear of missing out? **** that, my life is in my hands. Which shake as they screen calls from numbers I don't recognize.
As well as any other anxiety. Keeping pace with the Joneses doesn't interest me. If it were organic, the push to upgrade and not be obsolete, then maybe I could find myself worrying about sending out faster tweets. But life lived parallel to somebody speeding through on tracks. Makes the living-now too blurry in a time when looking back is called depression.