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Oct 2018
I catch myself thinking of when you were mine
and I was yours.

Sometimes, I catch myself wishing it would go back to that.
All was simple when your hand was in mine.

But you moved on, and I moved on.
I moved on to loving myself,
while you moved on to someone else.
I found a guy who loved me for me.
Then you moved back.

Not this time.
This time is different.
I am not, will not, can not go back to you.

It wasn't so simple when my hand was in yours.
I hated every aspect of me...
even my eyes and my scars, which I've always loved.
I done this because your eyes were prettier,
and you said you wished the scars weren't there....

I love myself.
and I love him, as I had loved you at one time.
But not anymore...

The love for you has dulled, as the love for me grew
This is again about my 'First love'
I still love him, but not as I once did.
Me and him have decided to remain friends for the forseeable future.
Written by
Mykenzie  18/F/Somewhere under a rock
(18/F/Somewhere under a rock)   
     Stone, Lizzie and JL Smith
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