Born on Boxing Day she lived a hundred and one years - all through the Great War that failed to end all wars, the social revolution of the twenties, and the great depression, before marrying at the age of twenty-five. And even then she had to declare her father’s occupation on the marriage certificate as if "father : ostler" defined her. The marriage took place on Christmas Day to save the expense of another family gathering. She never went out to work after that, no longer just her father’s daughter but proud to be a wife and mother, first in rented rooms with a shared outside privy, then to a modern house “like a palace” with a refrigerator and a washing machine and a garden where her husband could grow things. She always loved babies and children and even at the last, after years of advancing dementia, with eyesight, hearing, mobility, and memory failing, she would always come to life in their company, everything forgotten except how much she loved them. We finally said goodbye, knowing that although she had little to give except love, she gave it to the end.
My lovely mother-in-law. Boxing Day is December 26, named for tradespeople who received a gift, usually cash, as a Christmas Box.