I haven’t had any trouble getting to paradise as of late. I am always tired, I am always ready for bed. For the last week, he has come to me each night, taunting me with his words differently every day.
One day he comes to me, on a dark night behind our old school. There’s a fence I’ve never seen, and a building that’s too far from the path. I feel him so close- like I never do in life. He is close enough to **** me with one word, and yet he presses his lips to mine instead. ****. If only he could treat me so well.
The next night, though, I have fears he doesn’t even want to know me. There was... a party. His birthday, I think. He told me it would be best if I stayed home, escape the awkwardness, you know? But I went. I went at 2pm. There was smoke, there were people- people who don’t know me. I think he was angry.