Nature used to make me happy I was sitting there in the grass The sun shining on me Making my skin warm and my hair shine I watched insects make circles around plants and I watched a baby mouse run through the yard When do you get to see that? A baby mouse in the yard the same time you're there That's the kind of thing that make me happy The little things like that And I love the sun The sun is my best friend It's inside me I think the sun is burning out That is so unfathomable, right? The sun burning out Well, now you know what it's like to be me The word "depression" was banned from this dictionary long ago I replaced it with happiness But I think someone is trying to put it in again I used to feel at peace with myself when I'm sitting in a place like that And I was I was at peace But this time there was a bit of pain hidden underneath I could feel it Where did it come from? It's not supposed to be this way I can't go through this again I don't know what's wrong I don't think I'm strong enough to fight this right now Oh God help me