I am disappointed that I cannot fall in love I never thought this would happen And I realized that it has just now My ability to fall in love is gone It has disappeared for anyone else but you I tied my heart to you And I think it's very clear that neither of us has cut it And I don't think neither of us wants to I am not upset about that You are my best friend and if I can still be that without ever loving someone again I can handle that Maybe perhaps I want that You were the one Maybe I wasn't the one for you But you were always the one for me I don't want to change that I don't want to leave Staying your friend and not leaving you behind after you hurt me was the best decision of my life You mean so much to me And in my mind we're still meant to be Call me pathetic I don't really care Because being in your presence is all I need in life And I don't really care if no one ever loves me again As long as you're with me Everyone else is just a distraction At least it avoids being heartbroken again