My face is numb from smiling like I found the whole truth My heart’s your tiny dancer, all pirouetting around its thoracic cage All lit up like New Year’s Eve, all twirling and careless like a rich girl If we dance slow I’ll whisper you something epic, a stolen Shakespeare quote Cameras rolling over our shoulders for a glimpse at the panoramic love Because it’s all about to happen, like a long awaited legalization, a celebration I lay out a stage for you, an invitation to make me a star Because you’re just so smooth, Smooth like it comes to you naturally Smooth like you know something I don’t, like you have it all figured out Like when you’re standing front and center in your slacks and blazer, Seeming like you’re so much older You wield our tender attention spans, and prey on my weakness for romance Like only you know how to do. My mind is your magnifying glass, faithfully interpreting every bit of you I have seen in you my every need from the existential to the animalistic I’m hungry anxious and unpredictable as unlit fireworks I just wait for the day.