Where to begin, let's start at 10 And move on without a care Where this will go, lord only knows But soon enough I'm sure we'll get there
Well slap the knees here come the 20's Taking this adulting thing on the run For too long now most have found out Being a child ain't all that much fun
Pretty as you please we squeeze into the 30's Slipping and sliding, fire up the engines Getting close to the middle drooling in spittle Here comes 40, goodbye middle age kissing
Did someone say 50 half of a century Playing blind, deaf, and dumb It's anyone's guess what's next in this quest Best hold on tight cause here it comes
Welcome to the 60's Where you can't remember half you've done And if you think that's nifty hold tight then silly Wait till the 70's come along
Where they'll rip and they'll roar you at best underscore you Having you chewing your gums Straight into the 80's where this may sound crazy But you're just one breath away from being done
I could keep going on till we're all skin and bones Ready to give up the fight Moving along till you go out on your own In this...the speed of life