A blood red sunset drips over the black asphalt city skyline somewhere in a lost part of America
where the dream has long been dead and buried and hate and fear rule the rural streets that are protected by peace keepers that practice ****** more often than upholding the law
It has been declared open season on any crow the color of a starless night sky and the dove has become a symbol of to protect and serve their own kind birds of a feather that cover for one another
justice is blinded by the snow covered truth and the color of corruption is coincidentally the same as the color of money
the poor have little choice but to trade their bones and their hopes to the corporations of the new land of the free to be owned by and controlled by a minimum wage that only guarantees to keep the poor poor enough to work another day and another day and another day
until there bones are nothing but powder and their beds are nothing but coffins for the barely living
and life somewhere in a lost part of America at the end of everyday the sky turns red and the color of blood runs through the streets as the doves go along with their business of the murdering of crows